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Drama Class with Sal LaMagra

Created on: 03/29/10 06:33 AM Views: 401 Replies: 1
Drama Class with Sal LaMagra
Posted Monday, March 29, 2010 01:33 AM

Seventh Period. Drama Class.

Come with me now from the dawn of time, and travel into eternity. From the time of the Buck knife, to the time of the Adventures of Buck Rodgers. This must sound like a public service announcement for the library. In reality, I have just entered into the classroom of one cane wielding Salvatore La Magra, Dramatic Arts Instructor.

First lesson: Take a moment in your hands. Experience it. Did you know that it can be anything that you desire? Mold it, shape it, wear it, eat it. Yuck! Macaroni and cheese! Spit it out and make something useful out of it..... Like a hockey puck. Next, hold this rope. "What rope", you ask? It's a brown hemp rope about one inch in diameter. Quit scratching your head.......Picture this room in your mind. Thirty five chairs pushed all the way out to the wall. There is a stage and a clay floor. This simple clay floor is the surface of the moon, or the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. "Stanyslavsky!" Why did that come out of my mouth?

Your the next one. Try this test of trust and faith. You stand in the middle of a group of people rigidly and fall straight back, or forward, or to the side. It is a massive mind blower. Do it again and again. This somehow helps you release your fear and inhibition. They are very destructive forces in acting. Thanks for today, Mr. La Magra.

Which Drama class were you in? I knew people in class who were very serious about the craft. They did everything they could to get into La Magra's inner circle. To attain the status of a "Thespian". I did not begrudge them that lofty goal. Dreams are wonderful things. I have never colored inside of the lines simply to preserve the status quo either.

There were kids that were simply in class solely for the recreational value of a really fun elective. No talent required, merely enthusiasm. They were another segment of student society served.

Now, consider the classic "Bell Curve." Put one group of kids at each end of the curve. In between the two ends you also have a very unique group of individuals. An ideosyncranous assortment that was always eager to explore the psychodrama aspects of role play. Can you convey a message using only numbers? Can you play catch with an invisible ball? Ever eat a bug, or been in the midst of a group of blind, deaf, and mute people and tried to communicate? It can take your breath away!

How about a plane crash?



With my heart and mind,

Derek Gene Bird, 1977

Edited 03/30/10 06:31 PM
Another Journey........
Posted Tuesday, March 30, 2010 05:19 PM

Twenty three hours later: Back in drama class.. La Magra set's the scene again: "A major aircraft disaster. Groups of survivors are gathering together. You are twenty-two people with certain ideosyncracy." He made a little laugh. Those are the quirks that make  individuals of any age, unique.

We were all victims of this crash. Some of these people would be just that. Victims. Others have the need to be the heroes and heroines of this drama.

For a moment, in my minds eye, I saw this massive airliner slam into the ground. Then the skidding plane begins to stress and to mangle. The wings and the tail have been ripped away. In a kind of slow-motion these seconds last an eternity....... Without an interlude, I begin to play out inner feelings. My character is a very distinct four years old.

I begin to crawl about the floor which was now transformed into a smoldering mass of metal. The rubble that was once a 747 Jumbo Jet. Mommy is somewhere but, I cant find her. I need someone to help me make it through this...........

Enter compassionate person. One of the persons I spoke of has intertwined her role with mine. She reached out to hold me and whispered, "hush, baby, your Mommy will be here soon. She had become responsive to my childlike needs without my saying a word.

We were both in tears by now. We didn't even know it, but everyone else had stopped. They were watching us in the deepest form of acting. In our moment of clinging to life. Some of the girls in class gave into their tugging heart strings, and had begun crying, too.

The class is over now, but we will discuss and release our feelings before we leave for the day. There is no embarrassment here. Nothing will leave this room to hurt us later. This is a family of sorts........ All sorts.

With my heart and mind,

Derek Gene Bird, 1977

Edited 04/06/10 09:45 AM