South Pasadena High School
Alumni Association - 1907-2024
Login Problems and "Cookies"
If you are having trouble logging in, there's a good chance that you just need to delete the 'cookies' for your browser. You may have mistakenly made a typo and entered an incorrect letter or number for your password or your log in email address. If you did, it is causing your computer to remember that mistake. Or you may have changed your email address, updated it, and your browser is still automatically inserting your old email address or a changed password.
Besides remembering those mistakes or changes, cookies contain information that websites have gathered about you and stored on your computer as small text files. Most of these files are completely harmless, but others store where you went, what you did, and any personal information you gave. Websites may also allow other websites (their advertisers, for example) to put cookies known as third-party cookies on your computer.
To clear out a mistaken or changed entry and to ensure that companies are not keeping tabs on what you do online, use one of the following methods to clear your browser’s cookies. As a general rule, you might want to do it at least once a month. Click on the blue link below, find your browser and follow the step-by-step instructions.
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