Cutey the Cat
Posted Saturday, July 28, 2012 03:17 PM

In November of 2001, my wife, Kern, and i took a mini vacation, to the shore of Lake Quinalt, Washington. We lived in Federal Way, Washington at the time ( Federal Way is near to Tacoma and about 100 miles due east of Lake Quinalt - which is very close to the ocean). We stayed at the beautiful Lake Quinalt Lodge - situated in a beaucolic  forest, next to a very blue and placid lake. When we arrived, the rain was coming down hard and it was cold. After a short time, the rain let up and we ventured outside onto the spacious lodge deck. Within 10 minutes, we heard a meowing noise and looked down to see a beautiful, albeit wet, small black and white kitten approaching from under the deck. The kitten leaped up onto the  bench we were on and made herself right at home in my wife's lap. Without our knowing it at the time, the cat had officially adopted Kern.  We found out from lodge staff that the kitten was abandoned and had been living under the deck and was fed by staff. Each time we came out onto the deck, the kitten would appear.  Near the end of our 4 day stay, Kern asked me if we could take the kitten home with us. Initally, I resisted because I had never thought of myself as a "cat person" - loved animals just couldn't warm up to cats. By our final day at Lake Quinalt Lodge, I was a believer and agreed to bring the kitten home with us. However, staff informed us that another guest had already said he would give the cat a home.  I asked to be notified if the other guest changed his mind. So, we headed home, sans the kitten. Later that day, a staff member from the lodge called to say the other guest checked out without the kitten. Another staff member, whose husband was driving to Tacoma the following day, called to say her husband could drive the kitten over and I could rendevous with him and pick her up. So, that he how we came to "own" our cat (actually, she owns us). My wife named the small kitten Cutey. I am happy to say that I have seen the light and am officially a "cat person".  Cutey is still with us - still small at 9 lbs, but a better and more affectonate pet you won't find.  I can say with certainty we are "purrfectly" happy we adopted Cutey.