Evelyn Ruth Cordrey Swetnam
March 31, 1938 - April 8, 2010
Evelyn died April 8, 2010, of breast cancer. She was 72 and had been living in South Pasadena. Evelyn had a great love and appreciation of the outdoors, which led her to study geology at PCC. There she met her first husband and father of her children.
She traveled the world, living in Iran, England, New York, Louisiana, Texas, and California. Anyone that had the pleasure of knowing her, and just meeting her, was touched by her genuine and pure kindness.
Evelyn is survived by her husband of 28 years, four children, and five grandchildren. She is deeply missed
Tom Bauer (1956)
I had no classes with Evelyn from junior high on, but at El Centro elementary school all of us boys were in awe of her athletic ability. She could kick the ball further than any of us, hit the softball further, outrun us, and all the while never lording it over us. I suppose we all caught up to her eventually. I remember her as being quiet, modest, and a fabulous athlete.