Bill Hitchcock
April 13, 1938 - August 28, 2021
My dad's lifelong friends came from SPHS and Cal (Go Bears). He was a wonderful dad and a great friend who set a wonderful example for my sister and me about friendship.
Bill, of Irvine, California, died at age 83 of cancer. He is survived by his wife, Patricia; son, Mark, and daughter, Megan.
Mark Hitchcock, Bill's son
Barbara 'Amber' Wilson (Starr) (1956)
I didn't know about Hitch until it just appeared in my email today
Bill and I were good friends and he is missed.
Rest in Peace see you on the other side.
Jerry Gause (1956)
Sorry to hear about Bill. A real alert guy and was outspoken on many things. He was pretty much right about his opinions. In 7th grade he asked me to go to LA with him on a bus to see the movie "Desert Fox," a true story about Field Marshall, General Rommel. I worried all the way home, because I did not ask or tell my folks where I was going.
Well this was Bill, taking on things, way beyond my level. He had fun with a lot of things and was very positive of where he was headed. We lost a very happy and sincere classmate this month. Bless his family!
Jerry Gause 56.