Bertrand 'Steve' Prince (November 9, 1937 - October 9, 2016) died at home after an 18-month challenge with pancreatic cancer. He lived in Newport Beach for 48 years with his beloved wife Beverly. They raised their sons, Matt and Adam on Newport Island where his family, the beach, and boating were his passions.
He is survived by Beverly, sons Matt and Adam, daughter-in-law Charlotte and granddaughter, Esme. Additionally he is survived by his siblings, Gilbert (Gail) Prince (SPHS '53), Diana Spence, Vicky (Bill) Hipsley, Margo (Tom) Misterly (SPHS '62), and David Prince (SPHS '65); and many nieces and nephews.
Los Angeles Times, December 17, 2016
Gordon 'Gordy' Ryder (1966)
I met Steve in the late Sixties through my good friend Dave Prince ('65). Steve was a very warm and kind person who made everyone feel at ease in his presence. He was a successful entrepreneur who did well enough to spend his life living on the waterfront of Newport Bay with his boat moored in front of his house. I attended his wedding almost fifty years ago and was amazed at the incredible beauty of his bride and lifetime partner, Beverly. Everyone was attracted to Steve and his smooth personality. Someone once told me that he would have been a good stand-in for Sean Connery's James Bond. I could not disagree. Right up to very near the end of his life, he was always thinking more about how you were doing than his own dire situation. What a positive guy! The world desperately needs more men like this.