In Memory

Llewelyn Beth Fann (Smith) - Class Of 1963 VIEW PROFILE

Llewelyn Beth Fann (Smith)

Llewelyn Fann Smith of Costa Mesa, California, died of cancer on January 10, 2013.  Llewelyn, born January 11, 1946, was 66 years old.  She is survived by her husband Jim Smith and daughter Kascy.

Jim Smith, husband

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04/12/13 03:46 PM #1    

Cristy Hills (Crisenberry) (1963)

Miss you my friend...I am so thankful that we reconnected and I was able to spend the last15 years sharing holidays, good times and bad.  I will always remember Thanksgiving and your words when I left "This was the best Thanksgiving ever!"

Oh the memories that we have shared over the years, shared our secrets and never questioned our friendship.  You were there for me and I was there for you. 

I know how much you were looking forward to our 50th Class Reunion.  I will  be going and thinking of you every minute wishing you were there to share it with me.  I love you.  Cristy

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