I did not know Chris in So. Pasadena but came to know him through campus Christian ministry at Cal State Long Beach. He was dedicated to the ministry and if I remember correctly a great fan of motor sports. He was stricken playing soccer and passed away a few days later, leaving his wife, Sue, son Nathan and daughter Joelle. I was saddened to hear of his passing but know he is in the presence of the Savior he served.
I knew Chris as an acquaintance in junior and high school. I did not truly get to know him until a few years ago. He lived a few miles from me. We would meet for coffee at Peet's, definitely not Starbucks, to talk Dodger talk and about our Lord. It was a true blessing to know him as my brother in Christ.. He is a great guy and a true man of God who loves his wife, family and soccer. I look forward to meeting up with him again.
Charles Timothy 'Tim' James (1977)
I did not know Chris in So. Pasadena but came to know him through campus Christian ministry at Cal State Long Beach. He was dedicated to the ministry and if I remember correctly a great fan of motor sports. He was stricken playing soccer and passed away a few days later, leaving his wife, Sue, son Nathan and daughter Joelle. I was saddened to hear of his passing but know he is in the presence of the Savior he served.
Gerry Sanchez (1975)
I knew Chris as an acquaintance in junior and high school. I did not truly get to know him until a few years ago. He lived a few miles from me. We would meet for coffee at Peet's, definitely not Starbucks, to talk Dodger talk and about our Lord. It was a true blessing to know him as my brother in Christ.. He is a great guy and a true man of God who loves his wife, family and soccer. I look forward to meeting up with him again.