Irene 'Reno' Archer
April 4, 1944 - July 30, 2024
Irene passed away at her home in Sacramento, California. She is survived by her siblings, Bill '56, Mike '58, Kay '60, and Francine '65. Our older sister, Joan '54 died in 2004.
At South Pas, Reno was a member of the Pep Association - a Flag Girl her junior year and a Song Leader as a senior. Shortly after graduation Irene moved to northern California and settled in Sacramento. She worked to acquire property there where she could follow her avocation - horses, dogs, and cats. This was her first love and she dedicated her life to it.
Irene married Gerald Ooley in 1976 and they divorced in 2004. In 2005 Reno accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior and was baptized in the Sacramento River.
She is remembered by friends in Sacramento as a knowledgeable and skilled dog trainer who helped them with their dogs. Much of the equipment she had has gone to animal and rescue centers in Sacramento in her memory.
Mike Archer '58, brother of Reno
Gayle Stewart (Odell) (1962)
I am so sorry to hear Irene is no longer here on earth, but also thrilled she is in heaven with her Lord and Savior! I remember Irene as a smiling, happy, kind person. She was a fantastic song girl, cheering on the Tigers with vigor. She was a sweetheart.
May God comfort your family as you grieve. Thank you for letting us know. Gayle Stewart Odell