In Memory

Frank Jeffrey Terry - Class Of 1956

Frank Jeffrey Terry

Jeff Terry (March 2, 1939 - February 26, 1999) was a graduate of Arizona State University, Tempe and the Church Divinity School of the Pacific in Berkeley, California. He served the Episcopal Church in the Philippines for seven years and then returned to the US where he was rector in several churches in Montana and Eastern Washington. He became the Episcopal Bishop of Spokane in 1990, an office which he held until his death that occurred after a heart transplant.

He is survived by his wife Carolyn and two daughters, Ellen and Katie.

Lawrence McHargue '56


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11/12/10 06:06 PM #1    

Sue 'Susie' Creswell (Walling) (1956)

Jeff was the only  Episcopal Minister in our class with several Presbyterian Ministers !  Jeff was not just a minister he was also a  Bishop - Quite an accomplishment !! He made us proud !!

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