Sue 'Susie' Creswell Walling

Profile Updated: December 7, 2021
Class of 1956
Currently residing In Mesa, AZ USA
Children, Grandchildren Bob born 1959, Sam Jr born 1961, Tom born 1963, Sarah born 1970- grands - Scott born 1989, Jon born More…1989, Michelle born 1992, Ted born 1993, Christopher born 1995 - great grands - Zane Walling 2015, Tyler Holman 2017, and Alexandria Holman 2021.
Occupation Title Mother X's 4, Navy/aerospace wife 33 yrs., retired R.E., Antique shop owner, volunteer, gardner.
SPHSAA Membership Status:

Paid through 2025

High School Leadership

Weldon Award

Occupation(s), Career Details

1990's - bought houses in CO - fixed them up and sold them.

2000 - Moved to Gilbert, AZ and bought more house to fix up and sell.
2003 Moved to Mesa, Az. -started the 2nd hand shop that supports Sunshine Acres -home for abused and abandoned children. (80+ children)

Still have Lost & Found Antiques, but it's a lot smaller. Loving the art collecting & researching part ! Volunteer for the Mesa, Police Dept. Finished my taxes !!!!!!:) :)

2021 - Retired. still live in Mesa, AZ - gardener, hit the garage sales and 2nd hand stores, read, keep up w politics and world affairs, visit w friends and neighbors, keep up w growing family !!

Other South Pasadena schools I also attended

Oneonta Elementary
South Pasadena Junior High

Different places I have lived

Santa Barbara,San Diego, Hawaii, Corpus Christi, TX., Long Beach, Monterey, CA., Coronado Island, Washington D.C., Albuquerque, Irvine,CA, Vandenburg Village, CA., Santa Ynez, CA, Solvang CA, Stanley, KS., Stillwell, KS, Colorado Springs, CO, Gilbert,AZ, ,Mesa, AZ. and a cabin in Payson, AZ

Family history living in South Pasadena

Maternal Grandparents were from Boston. G.M.'s family, (the McDonalds), made carriages , and G.F.'s family bought them ! They lived on Milan Ave. (Sperling's house on Milan was the garden, just w. of their home.), ended up on Fletcher Ave - Mother - Catherine Salinger ,"Sally", born in Pasadena Huntington Hosp. - .11/1914 - 11/1985

Paternal grandparents moved from Ill. - Lived in Pomona, Where G.F. was Minister of Pomona Presbyt. Church, ( where Pop, Thaddeus Thacheray III -"Bud" was born - 2/1912), moved to Eagle Rock where G.F. was the founding minister of Eagle Rock Presbyt. Church and a founding member of Occidental College, G.F. died, family moved to San Marino. Pop passed away 2/1980

Parents met at SPHS, Pop, (Bud) class of (1930), and Mom, (Sally) class of (1932).

Married 4/1937 in Pasadena Presbyt. Church.

Family members who also went to SPHS

Pop. - Thaddeus, "Bud", Creswell - 1930
Mom - Catherine, "Sally", Salinger Creswell - 1932
Me - Susan, "Susie", Creswell - 1956
Cousin - Elizabeth, "Betsy", Birdsey - 1956
Sister - Cynthia, "Cindy", Creswell - 1964
Sister - Mary Creswell, 1966

Other SPHS graduates I keep in touch with are:

Betsy Birdsey Fraser-Smith,(cousin),Les Thompson ,Barb Wilson (Amber Starr),(AZ), Gerald Gause, Tony Turpin, Jack Hartman, "Bergy" Bergren, Larry McHargue.

I had the privilege and the fun of speaking with many of my classmates, as I spent several yrs. finding them for our 50th class reunion & helping Bill Peters '53 with the Alumnae Volumes

So.Fletcher Ave., where I grew up had a big share of SPHS Grads! The Ottos, the Bullocks, the Whitehouses, the Jahiers, the Cariffes,the Smiths,the Bertches, the McDonalds , the Buckleys, the Kennans, and the Whipples the Goekins,and the Snyders, the Mays, and that's just off the top of my head !! I'm sure I've missed a

School Memories

My great memories of SPHS start with my parents and the classes of'30 & '32 right on thru to '56. I had some of the same teachers as my parents had, and also had some teachers that went to school with my parents !

To this day, (and I've lived all over), I've never met a more supportive group of people than SPHS ! Parents, teachers, and students !

I loved the way my parents stayed in touch with their SPHS classmates all their lives !! They stayed the very best of friends literally forever !

Rosie Distefano Gardner's Mother used to babysit my Mother !!

Ann Kuhlman Moats's grandparents were my
grandparents best friends!

Organizations, clubs, sports, other groups I've been in at school &/or since

I loved the Pep Club activities, painting posters, being involved in HS elections, the Senior Play, Dance, etc.

With 4 children I was involved in so many diverse things through the years ! Because we moved so often I kept getting "tagged" by the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4H, PTA, Athletic Boosters, Debate Boosters, Band Boosters - you name it !! :) :) I think "I've raised more money than the law allows ! Loved being Pres. of University H.S. PTA in Irvine while the 3 boys were in school there !

Now I live in a 55+ golfing village in AZ, and am having fun ! 2021 Still there !!

Milestones & Epiphanies

2014 - youngest Grandchild, (Sarah's Christopher), graduating from HS.

2014 Sam's daughter, Michelle, getting married this summer.

Bob's wife having kidney transplant in May. Her bros. kidney lasted for30+ yrs. & she is about to get one from her younger sister.

2021 - Enjoying 3 great grands now. Life in AZ is happy !

Pastimes & Hobbies

2014 - Enjoying my kids & grandkids (all in CA), my art buying & selling, Arizona weather, my Meet Up,( East Valley Solo Seniors), my yard, my convertible, my independence, my health. my books, my friends & neighbors, my time to myself, my newly found cousin, Suzanne, & my little white puppy !

2021 - Still have my 4 children, my 5 grandchildren, and added a great grand - Alexandria 6/21. So, now have 3. I still have my independence, my health, my books, my friends and neighbors, (though many different), my car, (my convertible quit, but my Crysler 300 does me well !), my 2 cousins, my 2 sisters, (Cindy '64 and Mary '66). My little white puppy Charlie Brown is now 9 yrs. old. Charlie allows me to live alone - he is my ears !!! I love my roses, too !!

Favorite Music, Songs, Bands

My all time favorite has to be John Denver !!! I "feel" his music, and I loved Colorado !

I like classical music, jazz & some country

2021 - Still listening to John Denver !!

Favorite Books, Magazines, Movies, TV, Websites, YouTubes, etc,

Read any & everything & am delighted to have the time & the eyesight !!
2021 - Still reading EVERYTHING !! Especially Love Mary Higgins Clark's mysteries !!

[Date] What's happening in my life now

2011I still buy and sell small antiques and art .With the market as slow as it is, I have had more time to enjoy the art I've bought to sell :):) :)

Lost & Found Antiques is coming alive again ! The market is finally improving & I'm having fun w the art side of it ! Loving buying & selling & researching artist's bios !!

2021 Enjoying my kids, grand kids, great grand kids !!!!!!!:) :)

Jan. 2015 - First great grand son - Zane Walling - son of Jon Walling, & grand son of Bob Walling !!

2017 - Feb. - Another great grand son :) Michelle & Jeremy Holman had Tyler. Michelle is the daughter of Sam Jr.#2 son.

2021 Michelle gave me a great grand daughter - 6/21 Alexandria.

One last comment...

The longer I live, the luckier I know I am to have gone to SPSMHS !!

Things you probably don't know about me: I read and enjoy the WSJ ! :) :)

Sue 'Susie''s Latest Interactions

Oct 29, 2024 at 1:33 AM
Sep 04, 2024 at 9:28 AM

Hi all !!! Heathy and happy and living in HOT Arizona!!! Just me and Charlie Brown, (my little curly haired white dog) !!!

Sue 'Susie' Creswell Walling has left an In Memory comment for her Profile.
Jul 18, 2024 at 2:10 PM

Jerry and I started school together at Oneonta Grammar School. He has been a special friend keeping in touch for the last almost 80 years!! Jerry gained much recognition, and many awards for his dedicated work for the Forestry Sevice.Jerry was much appreciated by the class of '56 for his work on our class reunions, and for keeping us all "in the loop" after we graduated!! He will definitely be missed by us all!!

RIP Gerald Gause!!

Susie Creswell Walling

Oct 29, 2023 at 1:33 AM
Oct 29, 2022 at 1:33 AM
Sue 'Susie' Creswell Walling has left an In Memory comment for her Profile.
Sep 27, 2022 at 11:34 AM

 Nancy grew up on Fletcher Ave with so many of us at SPHS. Nancy was an outgoing, smiling, fascinating person that I always injoyed ! She was such a breath of fresh air !! She was a speicial friend, and a well known artist !!! She took great care of all who needed her ! Walt Otto, and his family also lived on our street.  Nancy took care of Walt at the end of his life with Dementia. She was a wonderful person who lived a full, awesome life - always giving to others and spreading joy with her huge smile !! 

Sue 'Susie' Creswell Walling has left an In Memory comment for her Profile.
Aug 02, 2022 at 1:43 PM

"Bergy" was well loved from Oneonta Grammar School all they way through SPHS, and then some!! He was a special, kind and caring guy who kept in touch with us all until the end !! We were lucky to have known him and counted him as a friend !!  We know Suzie was glad to welcome him, and the girls, his grandchildren, his many friends, and his classmates will all miss him !! He took care of everyone and shared his love with us all !!

RIP Willard, Bill," Bergy" Bergren !!!

Susie Creswell Walling

Jul 10, 2022 at 1:47 PM

I figit to mention that Pop, (Bud Creswell), was chosen on of the 7 Tigers for 1930, and also won the Weldon Fair Play Award at graduation. He was a kind, giving and honest guy !!

S. Creswell Walling

Jul 01, 2022 at 11:27 AM

Pictures are of Bob's son - Grandson Jon, and first great grandchild Zane

Feb 22, 2022 at 7:07 PM

Yes Pam, we do remember Sharon !!! She just lit up a room, and we felt like she'd been part of our class forever !! I am SO sorry she had such an awful time with Parkinson's !!! I am sure your whole family is missing her terribly ! My thoughts are certainly with you Pam !!


Susie Creswell Walling

Dec 07, 2021 at 1:42 PM
Sue 'Susie' Creswell Walling added a photo to her profile gallery.
Nov 25, 2021 at 9:53 AM
Oct 29, 2021 at 1:33 AM
Sue 'Susie' Creswell Walling has left an In Memory comment for her Profile.
May 22, 2021 at 12:31 PM

The Carife's grew up across the street from us on Fletcher Ave. Alan was a happy soul with a HUGE brain !! I always enjoyed him, and was fascinated with his knowledge !!


Susie Cteswell Walling

Oct 29, 2020 at 1:33 AM
Sue 'Susie' Creswell Walling has left an In Memory comment for her Profile.
May 26, 2020 at 1:33 PM

Bob was a quiet, gentle, smiling presence in High School. His demeaner hid the fact that he was a powerful swimmer.  He really made a name for himself ! I was lucky enough to find Bob and Dorothy in Mesa, Az. when I moved here. Bob was still the same quiet, gentle, smiling presence, but this time he proudly showed me his prize roses in his backyard overlooking the golf course !!

Oct 29, 2019 at 1:33 AM
Jul 04, 2019 at 1:33 PM

Maureen was a bright twinkling light in the class of '56 from the moment she arrived in junior high school !  She loved everyone and everyone loved "Mo" ! She adored being a Cheer Leader and brought joy to our football games and parades ! She was a smart gal also, and spent her adult life as an Audiologist, She had 2 sons, wonderful grandchildren, and she was delighted and so proud of them all ! We miss Mo !

Oct 29, 2018 at 1:33 AM
Oct 29, 2017 at 1:33 AM
Posted: Nov 25, 2021 at 9:53 AM
Posted: Jun 16, 2016 at 7:03 PM
Posted: Jun 16, 2016 at 7:04 PM