David Husner

Profile Updated: May 20, 2024
Class of 1967
Currently residing In Celina, TX USA
SPHSAA Membership Status:

Paid through 2023. See Home Page for easy payment options.

Other South Pasadena schools I also attended

Lincoln Elementary
South Pasadena Junior High

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David Husner has left an In Memory comment for his Profile.
Jun 21, 2024 at 6:40 AM

Susan and I became homeroom buddies in Mr. Andrews 9th grade homeroom class. We sat 4 to a table, Susan sat opposite to me. Susan had perfect posture, a beautiful smile and those eyes that could talk to you. She was very smart, witty, kind and also loved to talk. Mr. Andrews was one of my worst teachers. It was dear sweet Susan that brightened each day in those 2 classes. There was something very special about Susan. Think about her often with the fondest of memories. I'm smiling now.



David Husner updated his profile. View.
May 20, 2024 at 6:30 PM
David Husner added a photo to his profile gallery.
Jun 05, 2021 at 7:48 AM
David Husner has left an In Memory comment for his Profile.
Apr 22, 2020 at 1:33 PM

Stan and I became best of friends when he started Lincoln School in the 5th grade. Stan had the biggest smile, freckles and an accent that others made fun of until we became friends, no more picking on Stan. During Junior HIgh we would ride our bikes to the junior high.I lived the farthest from the school so I would start riding my bike first to pickup Gary Whatley, then picked up Stan{on his JCHiggins bike), next its was Randy Phair, then to Phil Craig's to start our race trip to the junior hIgh. Swimming, bowling, football, whiffleball baseball, trips to the park and Arroyo stream, lots of sports in school, summer after summer with lots of bike riding, tons of talk and fun, fun ,fun. In high school Stan became involved in sports and we were not as close. I will always remember the last days of high school and Stan coming up to me and appoligizing that he didn't spend that much time with me, He was very emotional and I was very touched. I was very excited when Stan by chance met my son at the L.A.Airport and we talked on the phone and then later we again met at the reunion. Stan was a great person with heart of gold.

David Husner

David Husner has left an In Memory comment for Randall C Phair.
Apr 29, 2016 at 9:33 AM

Hi Ken,

I hope all is well with you. I agree that I often think of Randy.  We were all good friends together and had a lot of fun.  It's funny that when ever I fill out some website thats asks me who my best friend in school was I always put Randy.  I also miss him and his mother who was like a second mother to me and all of us. And yes the player piano, which when I grew up I had to have one, still have it and love to play on the sunny side of the street and sing.


David Husner

Posted: Jun 07, 2021 at 5:18 AM