Karla Fisher Payne

Profile Updated: April 10, 2020
Class of 1963
Currently residing In Rancho Mirage, CA USA
My Website & Facebook/Media www.facebook.com/karla.payne.146
Spouse/Partner Divorced
Children, Grandchildren Brian, born 1979; Stephanie, born 1982. Stephanie is a professional bass player...she followed in my More…footsteps.
Occupation Title Retired
South Pasadena High School Alumni Association

LIFE Membership
Returned to SPHS as Teacher/Staff

Occupation(s), Career Details

Taught elementary school music in South Central (1.5 yrs.), elementary and jr. high in Capistrano Unified (2 yrs.), Marengo (1971-1974) and SPJHS/SPHS (1971-1980), Realtor in Pasadena area (1985-1990). Realtor in Coastal South Orange County (2005-2010).

Until 1990 (when I moved to HI), was a professional, classical bass player with Pasadena Symphony, Pasadena Pops, Burbank Symphony, and played a lot of free-lance gigs. Also co-founded the Pasadena Pops, which later merged with the Pasadena Symphony.

Other South Pasadena schools I also attended

Other Non-SP schools: Victory Blvd. Elementary in North Hollywood (1951-1957); Sun Valley Jr. High in Sun Valley, CA (1957-1960). My most lasting friendships are from SVJH.

Different places I have lived

In order: Los Angeles, North Hollywood, South Pasadena, Studio City, Mt. Washington (L.A.), Pasadena, Flintridge, Lanikai (Oahu,) Laguna Beach, Dana Point, and Rancho Mirage.

Other SPHS graduates I keep in touch with are:

Closest to me is Lee Benz.
I was involved in the planning of 3 reunion/birthday committees: 2003 (via email and phone from Hawaii), 2005, 2010. The 50th reunion committee did just fine without me! They did a great job.

School Memories

I moved to SP at the beginning of 10th grade. It was a real culture shock, having come from a vastly different environment that was highly musical and academically competitive. The first week I was there, there was a food fight in the cafeteria.

Judy Gerber and I caused real trouble (only once) in Mr. Sipprelle's history class. We were eating fire sticks in class and my mouth got stuck closed. Judy and I were laughing (silently) until we cried. Mr Sipprelle caught us and made us write 500 - word essays on the Tennis Court Oath. Sheesh! No sense of humor.

Update: Mr. Sipprelle read this two years later and emailed "Bah, humbug."

Then there was the famous chain letter in Mr. Minard's government class, senior year. We didn't learn much. Robbie Phair got away with leaping from desk to desk. Several of us passed around a steno pad (the infamous chain letter) and wrote in it during class, mostly stuff about Mr. Minard and boredom. It was almost filled, front and back. Someone must have left it on their desk; it disappeared, and we'll probably never know where it went. If someone knows, or has it, a lot of us would like closure to this mystery.

We witnessed a show of great character and self-confidence during the auditions for cheerleaders at an assembly. Lee Benz ran out and started her routine, slipped and landed on her bottom; she picked herself, laughing, and finished her routine. She was voted head cheerleader.

Bunny Stringfellow broke my nose playing that horrible game called speedaway. I hope I haven't scared her away from all our reunions! I promise to be nice.

Merle Moore had a glorious tenor voice. I was his accompanist all thru high school at various events. I've never heard a finer singer. He sang at my wedding.

I enjoyed being the organist in the auditorium for many events, as well as getting to use my study hall to play it.

I remember all the fun weekend trips to the beach with 5 friends in my '60 Corvair. We usually went to Crescent Bay in Laguna.

Organizations, clubs, sports, other groups I've been in at school &/or since

SPHS reunion committees (3).

I was Girl's League president. I drove to USC for piano and bass lessons once or twice a week, practiced 4 hours a day, and played bass in the Pasadena Symphony. During study hall, I got to play that wonderful pipe organ in the auditorium. (I hope it's still in working order, because it's priceless.)

I don't think I ever missed a football game.

Milestones & Epiphanies

Judy Gerber: One of my best friends in high school and beyond. She passed away in the early 2000s.

Merle Moore: I got to spend some quality time with him at a nursing home in Arcadia on several occasions when I visited CA from HI in the early 2000s. We also talked by phone. He had MS. When we had our 40th reunion weekend in 2003, we spent quite a bit of time together. He wasn't well enough to be taken to any of the events. Many of our classmates visited him that weekend. A week later, his son took him out of the nursing home, no forwarding address.

Pastimes & Hobbies

Cooking, wine-tasting, and tending to my roses. Love to swim when the weather is warm.

I read a lot about political issues, so I'm fairly well-informed and conversant.

I like to play poker and other casino games online. Not for real money, though.

I was a breeder of Weimaraners for about 40 years. I had several Best In Show dogs, and I used to show my own dogs. I currently own one, and she is great company.

Favorite Music, Songs, Bands

Favorite music, of course, is classical. L.A. Philharmonic!! California Philharmonic (CalPhil). Disney Hall is the best!! The Beatles, although I didn't like them at the time. Jazz. Actually, anything but rap, which I don't consider "music," and loud music of any kind that prohibits conversation.

Favorite Books, Magazines, Movies, TV, Websites, YouTubes, etc,

Criminal Minds, Blue Bloods, Law & Order SVU, Beat Bobby Flay on the Food Network, Justice with Judge Jeanine, KUSC FM.

I usually have a book (or 3) going.

Magazines: Sunset, Real Simple, Bon Apetit, Taste of Home

[Date] What's happening in my life now

4/9/2020: We're all on "lockdown," due to covid-19. I've been pretty isolated since Bob Cannon '63 passed away in 2016. My best friend from Jr. High (Steffi Sebastian Greer) has recently moved here to the desert, but now we're in isolation. This too shall pass (I hope).

I hope my classmates will post updates!

Karla's Latest Interactions

Karla Fisher Payne has a birthday today.
Oct 20, 2023 at 1:33 AM
Oct 13, 2023 at 2:36 PM

I was unable to attend the events surrounding our 60th reunion, due to poor health. I've seen very few photos, although I keep looking. Please, if you have photos you haven't posted, let us see them!

Karla Fisher Payne has a birthday today.
Oct 20, 2022 at 1:33 AM
Karla Fisher Payne has a birthday today.
Oct 20, 2021 at 1:33 AM
Karla Fisher Payne has left an In Memory comment for her Profile.
Apr 30, 2021 at 10:56 AM

Vicki was a year ahead of me. We knew each other primarily through music--we both played the organ for HS assemblies and other events. In my junior year, I entered a contest to play a piano concerto with the San Gabriel Valley Symphony. Vicki learned the orchestral part and went to some of my piano lessons, as well as the audition. She was great! I was first runner-up due to nerves, but I've been forever grateful to Vicki. I'm sad that we lost contact and that she has passed away.

Karla Fisher Payne has a birthday today.
Oct 20, 2020 at 1:33 AM
Apr 10, 2020 at 7:59 AM
Karla Fisher Payne has a birthday today.
Oct 20, 2019 at 1:33 AM
Karla Fisher Payne has a birthday today.
Oct 20, 2018 at 1:33 AM
Karla Fisher Payne has a birthday today.
Oct 20, 2017 at 1:33 AM
Karla Fisher Payne has a birthday today.
Oct 20, 2016 at 1:33 AM
Sep 17, 2016 at 8:07 AM

I check this website a few times a month. It would be great for me to see our classmates update their information and add more photos. Best wishes for good health, much happiness, and prosperity, my friends!

Karla Fisher Payne has a birthday today.
Oct 20, 2015 at 1:33 AM
Karla Fisher Payne has a birthday today.
Oct 20, 2014 at 1:33 AM
Posted: Mar 09, 2014 at 9:00 PM
2005--ready to get out there and sell a house in Coastal South O.C.