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Peter Warner
Profile Updated:June 5, 2010
Class of
Currently residing In
Oakdale, CA USA
Children, Grandchildren
Sarah, b1977
Allison, b1980
-Sarah and Allison graduated from Oakdale HS and reside at home. More… They volunteer and work in the community through a disabled adult program.
Karen, b1988 - graduates 6-13-10 from Stanford. Major: Human Biology with a special emphasis in public health and social justice and a minor in political science.
Kim, b1990 - Sophomore at UC Berkeley - undeclared, but is considering a major involving earth and planetary sciences and philosophy.
Food animal practice - 80% dairy, 20% beef, goats, and sheep
Pam (also a veterinarian - we were classmates at UC Davis Veterinary School) and I operate our practice from our home. She administers it and I drive to our clients' farms to provide service.