Marjean L Kingan Thomas

Profile Updated: May 25, 2023
Class of 1960
Currently residing In Altadena, CA USA
Spouse/Partner deceased
Children, Grandchildren daughter, Kathi, born1963; 2 grandchildren, Nathan, born 2002, Samantha, born 2006;
step-son, Scott, More… born 1962; granddaughter, Amber, born 1989;great-grandson, Koltin, born 2017, great granddaughter, Brille, born 2021
Occupation Title retired
Yes! Attending Reunion
SPHSAA Membership Status:

Paid through 2024

Occupation(s), Career Details

I taught adult education-grocery cashiering and merchandising which included 6th grade math. (This was when all produce had to be weighed at the checkstand with the price being calculated in your head.
On my 1st anniversary as a grocery checker, I was selected "Checker-of-the-Year".
I spent 10 years attending Mt Sac one class at a time at night working during the day. I took every accounting and tax class they had. I worked during the day - cost accounting, annual inventory reconciliation, accounts receivable and payable.
I finally was able to attend University of La Verne's CAPA program and earn my bachelors in 2 yrs going weekends. I was the 1st in my family to graduate from college-I beat my daughter by 3 weeks when she graduated from UCLA.
My degree was in accounting and I used it to open my own business. I was a dealer for an accounting software program, which I sold, installed, trained, and used. I did books for small businesses, income taxes for the same including family personal taxes. I did and helped others with payroll, month end, qtr end, and yr end including printing W-2's and 1099'S. Very enjoyable 20yrs!

Different places I have lived

Covina, Palm Springs, Redlands, Rancho Cordova, Orangevale, Fair Oaks, Ontario, Upland, Arcadia,Altadena

Family history living in South Pasadena

My mother and my aunt both went all through Oneonta with both Miss Sutliff and Miss Harris and then thru both Jr and Sr High. My mother was very musical and had Mr Adams in high school. They both had Miss Jones for sewing in jr high. I went through Oneonta and 1 year of Jr High. I had Miss Harris, my sister had Miss Sutliff; I had Miss Jones and Mr Adams. My brother and sister went through 5th and 4th grades. Then my cousin attended 5th and 6th grades at Oneonta. My grandfather retired in 1960 and soon after sold his home and moved to Palm Springs. early 1920's-early 1960's-40 years TWO GENERATIONS

Family members who also went to SPHS

my mother-Miriam Kacy Kingan Meyer -- class of 41
my aunt-Lorraine Kacy McCoy Kasica --class of 44
cousins-Elizabeth Kacy ?? and Virginia Kacy Colliau Renfrow

Other SPHS graduates I keep in touch with are:

Deanna Fielding Schulz (when I lived in Upland) class of 60 Lynda Parlett Sullivan (very occasionally) class of 60

Milestones & Epiphanies

2 times to Ireland and Scotland, 1 time to England
In 1960 with my grandparents and brother, drove to Mazatland and then on to Mexico City. (I wouldn't do it today)
In both Ireland and Scotland, I found where my ancestors lived, were married, were buried, etc.

Pastimes & Hobbies

genealogy, Sudoku, rumecube

[Date] What's happening in my life now

After 2 strokes I cannot walk or sit straight.
I'min a board-and-care in Altadena

Marjean L's Latest Interactions

May 18, 2021 at 9:34 PM