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Robert B McLeod
Profile Updated:October 16, 2024
Class of
Currently residing In
Del Mar, CA USA
Nancy McLeod
Children, Grandchildren
Alex McLeod(1977)- lives with his wife Hanna and sons Preston (2015)and Julian(2018) in Tampa Florida. More…Michelle McLeod(Duncan)(1979)- lives with her husband Steve in The Hague Netherlands . Melissa McLeod ( Schoch)(1970)- lives with her husband Bryan in Del Mar, California.
Chrysler Corp:1965-1969, Europe 1969-1970, University Mechanical engineers 1970-1972, Mondex 1972-1980 , University(again)1980-1982. Genstar 1980-1985, Newland Real Estate Group, still working.
Further education, training, certification(s) since High School
University of California-Berkeley 1965
Different places I have lived
South Pasadena, Paris, Del Mar, Ft. Lauderdale, Ormond Beach, Oceanside, Del Mar.