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High School
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Ufa Claire Allison (Benedict)
Mary Jane Alman (Jones)
Winnifred K Ambrose (Holmes)
James K Amend
Ruth Helen Appel (McCord)
Marjorie Baker (Crozier)
Evelyn Lois Benagh (Detchon)
Mary Jannette Bennett (Kronman)
Kathleen Elizabeth Berry (Brubaker)
Audrey Bishop (Holbert)
Oscar Rogers Bodine
Albert E Bollengier
Martha D Bowen (Sykes)
Evangeline Brainard (Burgess)
Robert Allan Brockmeier
George Marion Bryant
William Craig Bullock II
Richard Ernest Burgess
Gertrude Lorraine Burrhus (Brown)
Charles F Cammack Jr
Georette Margaret Campbell (C…)
Margaret Adele Chase (Godfrey)
Grace Chatfield (Hartman)
Elizabeth May Church (McNitt)
Leslie Arthor Clark
Robert Stewart Cleland
Zoe Balch Clements (Schaefer)
Herbert Cocks
Ruth Betty Compton (Setmire)
Dorothy Corley (Fitch)
Milton Irvin Creek
George Cronshey
Julia Margaret Crozier (McCle…)
Joseph Cser
Doris Irene Dean (Whiteside)
Bruce Eugene Del Mar
Donald Warren Derby
Raymond T Dowd
Elise Dumas (Poste)
Carleton Edgar Durrell Jr
Maurice Ebbert
Allen Clare Enyeart
George William Evans
Dean Farley
Jane Finfrock (O'Kelly)
Angeline Carroll Fish (Bobbitt)
Charles Leigh Fisk
Edwin Frederick Flack
James Focht
George Fujii
Jack Ganaway
Helen Burns Gertmenian (Slovak)
Frank Johnson Glavis
Philip Stephen Graham
Elizabeth Louise Grant (Fiala)
Percy McCoy Grant Jr
Theodore Gregory
Amy Margaret Griffin (Foster)
Charles Douglas Guenther
Daniel Stewart Hammack
Samuel H Hanna
Albert Hartman
Cathleen Madden Hayes (Blair)
Josephine Maring Hayes
Katherine Dorothy Heath (Bon)
John Carl Heeren
John Willis Hilkerbaumer
Edythe Eleanor Hills (Polzin)
Harriet Sarah Hinds (Waldron)
Charles Albert Hoag
Gilbert Walter Hofeller
Janet Cornwell Hogan (Radin)
Dorothy B Hollis (Wood)
Bessie Bernice Huff (Misterly)
Earl Lewis Hutchins
Verne Allen Isbell
Lawrence H Jenkins
Ross W Jenkins
Margaret La Rue Johnson (Corkett)
Byers Jones
Mildred May Jones (Droege)
Frederick Crawford Joss
Harvey H Kamphenborg
Louise Edith Karlen (Peterson)
Lillie Kawatsu
John Keeling
Violet Kinney
Blanche I Kirkpatrick (Tracy)
Takeyoshi Arthur Kodani
Dorothy Ann Kraft (Podlech)
Marion Stella Kraft
Dorothy Grace Kuhns (Purcell)
Arden Lanham
Ferdinand Lapple
Lela Layne (Semans)
Evelyn Ledgerwood (Bishop)
Evelyn Lee
Karl Lindberg
William S Lord
Robert C Lyon
Thomas R Lyon
Helen MacDonald (Campbell)
Ellyn Frances Mallery (Mason)
Pat Burdette Matthews
Robert McCue
Gordon McFarland
Betty McKay
Gordon Alexander McKay
Helen Eulalia McKee (Sengebush)
Anna Michael
Howard John Millbank
George Lane Miller
Orazio Misterly
Dollie Florence Moore (Nelson)
Charles Galloway Munger
Everett D Nunan
George Gray O'Connor
Richard Reed Ormsby
Marie Agnes Osnato
John Robert Paine
Donald Maurice Palmateer
Ben Palmgren
Betty Palmgren (Sungaila)
Alberta F Parkins (Worrall)
Elizabeth Jeane Patterson (O'Mara)
Emily Pece
Adrian Henry Perry
Clarence Melville Petty Jr
Clara Elinor Phares (Henville)
Esther Thurston Pickering (Lawry)
Marian Blanche Picton (Olds)
August Alan Post
Edwin R Post Jr
Constance Pratt (Clark)
Pauline Quayle (Plante)
Edwin Henry Riedell Jr
Mary Rosine Rieker (Archer)
Sylvia M A Ring
William C Rockwell Jr
Marvis Anne Rogers (Lynn)
Sophia Marie Rogoski (Pelzel)
Maurice W Rohde
Hazel Rohr (Cole)
James Kennedy Rolens
James Harvey Rose
Philip Schureman Rothschild
Margaret Collins Rowse (Cronkite)
Ethan Phineas Sahl
Virginia Salisbury (Traphagen)
Doris Mae Sawyer (Warburton)
Eleanor Charlotte Schmidt (Morrissey)
Edythe Helen Sears (Turner)
Mae Evelyn Short (Faries)
Harry Reed Simpson
John Robert Skinner
Price William Sloan
Frank Asbury Smith
Stuart Smith
Alma Johanna Springer (Moore)
Herbert Arthur Spurr
Joan S Stephens (Ryan)
John Chester Stick Jr
Mildred Lee Stone (Cronshey)
Florence Stringfellow (Lyon)
Virginia Tate (Fry)
Tatsuo Tateishi
Sally A Taylor (Forsha)
Anita Thomas (Stoney)
Dorothy Louise Thompson
Edward Grant Thompson
Adrian Foster Tillotson
Mary Elizabeth Tillotson (Neiswender)
Helen Marion Tucker (Brown)
Marjorie Jane Twinting (Richards)
Frank Tyler
Harriet L. Ungles (Christy)
Robert M Van Landingham
Herbert James Vatcher Jr
Madeleine Voorhees (Monahan)
Grace Hamilton Walker (Smith)
Margaret Emily Weetman (Lauder)
Jane Weinrich (Dye)
Linn H. Westcott
John White
Barbara Anne Whomes (Woessner)
Thelma Wiggenhorn (Bell)
Florence Douglas Williams
Glen Albert Wilson
Yvonne Wood (Scheffer)
Dorothy Wylie (August)
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