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High School
Alumni Association - 1907-2024
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Show by:
Edward B Adams
Walter Adams
Snow Aldridge (Stahlberg)
Charlotte Amend (McCaig)
Wilburn F Anderson
Betty Ansorge (Morin)
Kathleen Arnoll (Croissant)
Ronald Asquith
Gordon Campbell Atkinson Sr
Jane Elise Austin (Hooker)
Manon Elizabeth Baird
DeForest "Bud" Baldwin
Virginia Baldwin (Brimer)
Louis Layton Banks
Edward Hill Barker
Elizabeth F Barrett (Sowles)
Mary Angela Barrett (McGrath)
Robert J Barry
Virginia Beaumont (Post)
Beverly W Beckmann
Hilles Meeker Bedell
Mary Ann Bedortha (Little)
Mardon D Beechler
Otho Moring Behr Jr
John C Bell
George A Bellis
E Donald Bennett
Robert F Benton
Alfred J Bollengier
C Emma Bosman (Jamison)
Ceylon Harry Brainard
Russell Taynton Branch
Henry Braun
Bernice 'Sunny' Brush (Wallace)
John Drew Cameron
Barbara Campbell (Adams)
June Canton (Swicker)
Janet Carey (Warren)
Shirley May Cary (Brock)
Louise Chapin (Cheney)
Raymond Chryst
Howard Longstreth Clark
Robert Bailey Clark
Dorothy Alice Cochran
Florence Virginia Comeau (Malloy)
Robert Comer
Mark E Connelly
Paul Conrad
Doras Cornell (Prowse)
Cynthia Cowper (Smith)
B Jerome Creek
Ena Mary Davidson (Aronson)
Warren Davis
Mary Colbert Derthick (Freimarck)
Willisford Bennett Dey
Victor Di Gesu
Eleanor Eich (Prucha)
Freda Fay (Walker)
Jane Fry (Inman)
Elsie K Gaylord (Roberts)
Constantine 'Con' Gertm…
Mae Grant (Merideth)
Nicholas N Gregory
Robert Lee Grimes
Flavilla Belle Hagin (Goepper)
E. Franklin Haines
Winfield E Hall
Henry Andrew Halminski
Leroy Hanes
David Campbell Hannah
George W Harris
Mary Helen Harris (Roth)
Margaret 'Peggy' Harvey (Culb…)
Richard Headrick
W Robert Helmholz
Marjorie Helms (Peery)
Richard Helwig
Gilbert Hemming Sr
Jean Henderson (Havens)
John E Henry
Marion Herbert (Herrington)
Hollis Harry Hills
Kenneth Bruce Hills
Susan H Hitchner (Buell)
Charles G Holsback
Margaret Houghton (Cleland)
Agnes Hannah Howe (Warren)
Beatrice Howell (McArthur)
Carl Newell Huff
William E Hull
Harry D Hunt
William Grant Hunter
C Dwight Inskeep
Patricia Irvin (Williams)
Wilbur S James
Norf James Jebbia
Darwin Warren Johnson
Lois Johnson (Ledder)
Elsie Johnston (Guerra)
Barbara Blanche Jones (Williams)
Eleanor L Jones (Channin)
Mary Elizabeth "Mebs" Jones
Peggy Jones (Layng)
Lane Kaley
Dorothy Kelley (Cowper)
Audrey Virginia Kellogg
Lorraine Kelso (Niner)
Benjamin 'Ben' Kemper
Thomas Kiddie
Elizabeth L Kirk (Snyder)
Virginia Knerr (Anderson)
Robert Cameron La Touche
Lucile Lanham (Bothereau)
Helen G Laughery (Andrews)
Valoris Vivian Layne (Lence)
Elizabeth 'Betty' Leslie (Gerry)
Margaret Lewis (Shelburne)
Marjorie Lipe (Clark)
Jeffery I Littleboy
Elizabeth C Loe (Dodd)
June Logan (Winchester)
Dair N Long
Richard Loring
John Lyons
Irwin Maas
Mary 'Betty' MacNair (Johnson)
Bianca Prescott Magoffin
Geraldine B Mann (Coyle)
John Wesley McAtee
Richard McBride
Jane McCausland (Sutter)
Letha McCausland (Cameron)
Tarence 'Ted' McCue
Mildred McCutcheon (Bergan)
Vivian McCutcheon (Martin)
Thomas Madison McDaniel Jr.
Henry McDonald
Pauline McDowell (McCaig)
Ruth E McGrath (Nix)
Lois McKeague (Young)
Barbara Menshik (Roth)
Katherine Miles (Tripp)
Dorothy Miller (Cooper)
Virginia M Miller (Wright)
Elma Mae Minear (Tidwell)
Mabel Minear (Blacketer)
Bradford Monahan
Paul Jordan Monroe
Alice M Moore (Talbott)
J Oliver Morgan
Ray Morling
Katharine Muir (Steves)
Frank T Muraoka
Fred Murphy
Eloisa Musso (Romero)
Earl Myers
Paul Nissen
Cynthia Jane Noble (Martin)
Winifred Nollac (Perschbacher)
Robert J Norton
George Vernon Orr
Ferne Osborn (Carlisle)
Florence G Ostrander (Alton)
Harry W Otting
Betty Overstreet (Edwards)
Lois Packard (Gatewood)
Daloris Padgett (Messick)
Howard Paine
Willa Jane Perkins (Wright)
Mary Louise Perry (Currey)
Christine Peters (McNeish)
E Bradner Petersen
Elvira M Peterson (Morley)
Mary Peyton (Smith)
Alice Phares (Lamb)
Virginia Pitchford (Batista)
Florence Pollard (Burford)
Priscilla Post (Parker)
Isabelle Preddey (Cordrey)
Thomas J Prucha
Reed Arthur Quesnell
Arno Allan Raessler
Boardman Colwell Reed
John Reiker
Phyllis Roberts (McCord)
Mary S Roe (Parker)
Agnes 'Nancy' Ross (Yates)
Alexander 'Alder' Ross
Phoebe Ann Russell (Sumner)
Lorry S Schottke
Jean R 'Pete' Schroer
Barbara E Searles (Everhart)
John Thomas Shelburne
Grace Sherman (Lewis)
Harris M Shioya
Harry Shirley
Catherine Simpson (Hemming)
Dorothy Simpson (Kumali)
Robert A Sims
Judy A Sked (Karafiat)
E Grace Smale (Westberg)
Ira W Smith
Norman Smith
William Frederick Smolka
Martha Marie Smothers (Spence)
Virginia Snyder (Fry)
Helen Sommer (Chandler)
David Lee Soper
Robert John Sparling
Helen R Spelts (Flanagan)
Lucille Spelts (Hull)
Helen V Sperry (Hanna)
Nicholas Stahevitch (Gregory)
Jack L Stair
Jack G Starr
Helen 'Betty' Stillwell (Biles)
Beverly Strongman
Margaret A Stuart (Graupner)
Olive Stunden (Zebarth)
Vera Swift (Shapiro)
Harry Melvin Teeple
Emmett G Tomerlin
Leslie Tracy
Carl Traugott
Marie Treischman (Parmenter)
Evert Henry Van Essen
Edwin 'Ned' Vessey
Reginold Vestey
William Edward Vogelsang
Eleanor Walker
Eileen M Walsh (McIntyre)
Marjory Walton (Holme)
Madeline White (Sauder)
Wesley Winchester
Dorothy 'Dot' Wondries (Warren)
Gertrude Wood
William Woodrow Wood
Roy Worth
Mary Louise Wylie (Wardle)
William Wallace Wylie
Claire V Yegge (Crain)
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