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High School
Alumni Association - 1907-2024
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Marjorie Ackerman (Park)
George Selfridge Adams
Arthur Clarke Ahlswede
John McGowan Alexander
Elizabeth 'Bettie' Anderson
John Austin Andrew
Georgianne Angne (Goddard)
Winninette Arnold (Noyes)
Jane Alleyne Auld (Olson)
Wayland Avery Jr
Leon Grice Axtman
Evelyn Bernice Ayers (Grant)
Grace Bertha Baker
Katharine Read Baker (Podlech)
Ernest William Beasley
Eleanor Mae Beckwith (Althouse)
Barbara Bedortha (Bent)
Carlos Bee
Thomas Hooker Bell
George William "Bill" Bemus
Barbara Annlee Bennett (Dysinger)
Donald Frederick Biles
Mary Blackmer (Meyer)
Marjorie I Blake (Rider)
Pauline Virginia Blake
Kenneth Rankin Bragg
Mary Jane Bragg
Ruby J Bragonier (Wiggenhorn)
John Bratt
Jack William Bray
William Barton Bridgeman
Virginia Brohm (Kingsley)
Helen Jean Brolliar (Scheele)
Edith Brown (Smith)
Mary Brown (England)
Frederic L Bryan
William C Bryan
John M Bryce
Elsie Jane Burkett (Plumb)
Robert Regert Burns
Clarence G Burwell
Mildred Phyrne Butler (Snyder)
Priscilla Carroll (Lara)
Frank Wrightson Caulk
Philip H Chadbourn Jr
Jane Lydia Chaney (Forche)
Virginia Ellen Chase (Linberg)
Ira Boswell Cheaney Jr
Evelyn Louise Church (Royston)
Margaret R Cleveland (Madison)
Kathryn Mae Clippinger (Myers)
William Gilbert "Bill" Close
Samuel James Colyer
Beatrice Louise Coots (Hopkins)
Eugene F Crowell
Mary M Crozier (Reimers)
Walter Paul Cser
Helen Anne Davis (Smalley)
Mary Abbie de Forest (Frisbie)
James Thayer Deuel
Margaret Olive Dibben (Kemp)
Marjorie Doig (Snedecor)
Margaret Dowland (Corbin)
Walter A Draeger
Eugene Dunlap
Catherine Alan Durrell (Compton)
George William Egan
Marion Eich (Deboynton)
Mary Jane Eno (Deems)
Dorothy C Everett (Farque)
Edward Dale Farmer
Leo Feder
William Joseph Flanagan
Stuart William Fletcher
Reta Wilhelmina Fowler (Lynch)
Frances Ruth Fudge (Swanson)
Frank Fujii
Florence G Gaines (Nichols)
Dorothy Gandolfo (Burns)
Lester Lowell Gautier
Margaret Frances Geiss (Hudson)
Arthur Genovese
Grace Olive Gibbs (Perkins)
Marjory Gifford (Wood)
Harry Allen Goodin
Helen Clay Goodloe (Hall)
Carroll Clayton Goodman
Marion Gordon (Mackey)
Joan Josephine Gore (Derenia)
Catherine Anne Gormley (Lippitt)
Kenneth K Goto
John Marcella Grant
Ruth Maxine Green (Silver)
William Alvord Green
John Chase Greenwood
Walter Gresham
Myron Claude Gretler
Lenore Annie Groundwater
James Hunt Haines
Chester 'Chet' Halsey
Howard Bridges Hardin
James Turner Harlan
Jack Edward Harris
Jack Crole Helms
Orra W Higgins
Ellen Elizabeth Hitchner (Kersey)
Harold Moore Hoag Jr
Betty Jane Hoffman (Davidson)
Loretta June Hoffmann (Tucker)
Herbert Holway
John Edward Houghton
Dorothy Jane Howarth (Atkinson)
Kathleen Virginia Hughes
Ruth Elizabeth Hughes
Roberta "Betty" Irvine
Ronald Karl Johnson
Eleanore Jones (Bruches)
Raymond Parker Jones
Ellen Mary Jordan (Fiske)
Anthony V Keese
Harold Pittman Keith
Clinton Ellsworth Kelley
Louise Ellen Kellogg (Benedict)
June Cora Ketchum
Albert John Kiefer
Mollie Leona Kilker (Schroer)
Betty Louise Kimpel (Hutcheson)
Robert Paul King
Louise Kistner (Burr)
Martha E Knight (Clyde)
William V Knight
Sydney Emil M Koppel
Wensley Krug (Paine)
Amelia Lavonne Lanning (Coco)
W Harold Larson
Eleanor R LaSpada (Trimble)
Jack LaSpada
Betty Lawton (Hunt)
Ruth Leora Layne (Seiple)
Kenneth W Ledgerwood
Charles Croxall LeGrand
Donald P Lieber
Edgar George List Jr
Elizabeth "Peg" Littig (Porteous)
Harry Lockhart
Thea McGoff Loe
Mary Heitt Lyman (Rader)
Edward Coleman MacDonald Jr
Doris Ann MacDougall (Hough)
Anna Mary MacLennan (Wray)
Albert Harris MacLeod
Irene Ellen Macy (Jensen)
Cherie Marable (Truocchio)
Samuel Brooks Mattison
H Winslow Maxwell
Dorothy McAllister (Stewart)
Hugh Harrison McCall
Evelyn McCutcheon (Thomason)
Mary Ruth McDonald (Berry)
Frances Isabel McElderry (Kelly)
Vincent Irving McManigal
James Wylie McNabb
John J Meenan
Richard Meine
David E Meyer Hoyt
Beverly Claribel Miller (Clark)
Frances Coleman Miller (Creek)
Mildred Ellen Miller (Lance)
Robert Patchen Miller Jr
Margaret E Mitchell (Lambrecht)
William 'Billy' Montgomery
Mabel Moore (Fiore)
Mary Ellen Moore (Weissel)
William John Morgan
Helen Lillian Moritz (Wotkyns)
Robert Allen Morse
Marcus Rikio Muraki
Mary Lea Murphy (Brigham)
Frances V Newman (Johnson)
Galen Nichols
Jane Norton (Noble)
J Robert O'Connor Jr
Lucille Marian Packard (Graber)
William Arthur Pearson
Wendell Peirce
Doris C Petty (Good)
Jane E Pfaffenberger (Winn)
Frances W Pfeiffer (Davis)
Eugene E 'Gene' Pleger
Leona B Prescott
Emily Cook Pryor (Menzies)
Fern Corinne Randall (Smith)
John Stearns Rath
Jack Lester Reed
Helen Lucille Reese
Louisa Haller Rhodes (Krauss)
Walter Robert Richardson
Richard Fowble Riley
Margaret Robbins (Orozco)
Raun Robinson
Edith Ann Rohrer
John H Roy
Robert Kirk Rumohr
Paul Warren Sampsell
Esther Dorothy Sandstrom (Teeple)
Ruth Karen Sandstrom (Drumright)
Dorothy Lillian Schrey (Carroll)
Grace Elsie Scott (Lester)
Herbert Byford Scott
Frank Scoville
Josephine Scoville (Albert)
Jesse Daniel Seitz
Betty Shaw (Humphreys)
Margaret Sherman (Ahlstrom)
Franklin Bradley Simmon…
David Henry Smith
Wilma June Smith (Moore)
Howard Glenn Snyder
Charlotte Ann Speik
Carol Ann Sperry (Dow)
Donald Chanslor Spring
Jean A Spurr
David Sloane Stanley
Barbara Summers (Dwiggins)
Kikuko Tabata (Iwasaki)
Richard Clarence Teeple
Bruce S Terry
Jeanne Marie Theriault (Phill…)
Verna Thornhill (Shaw)
Dorothy Lee Tooney (Rowberg)
James Humphrey Torrey
Mary Lovelace Turner (Webb)
Richard Wishert Turner
Mary Tweed (Gordon)
Vera Rose Van Loon (Horrigan)
Hazel May Vestey (Crumpley)
Melle Ann Waddington (Espey)
Robert Alan "Bob" Wagner
Dorothy Gill Wallis (Boardman)
Bobbie Louise Welch (Acker)
Carlotta Welles
Rouen James Westcott
Eugenia Jean Weymier (Austin)
Allan Reehl Wheeler
Florence Wickham (Brummelkamp)
John Howard Wickham
John Wiggenhorn
Elizabeth Wilcock (Weigle)
Rhoda Anne Williams (Doty)
Harriet Strong Witbeck (Pohlman)
Lee Withrow Jr
Walter Dyson Worth
Marjorie L Worthington (Gabel)
Wayne H Wylie
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