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Show by:
Dorothy Abbott (Thompson)
Ronald Smith "Ron" Adams
Thomas Albert 'Tom' Allen
Floris Lucile Appel (Garriott)
William Charles Arthur
Fred Mulock Ashbrook
Edward Lewis Baker
Barbara Elizabeth Ball (Cain)
Bettina Ruth Ball (Smith)
Lloyd Francis Barber
Marion Barna (Perrault)
Margaret E Barnes (Buckley)
Patricia Harman Barnes (Trower)
Deborah Bassett (Wakeman)
Yvonne Eleanor Baumeister
Mary Bernice Bellerue (Reynolds)
Maclin Hobbs Benagh Jr
Leslie Robert 'Bob' Ben…
Henry Harrison Bertch
Richard H "Dick" Biles
David George Blaine
Jean Louise Boggess
Mary Louise Boynton (Holcomb)
Wray Grayson Brady Jr
Mary Ellen Brooke (O'Neil)
Barbara Brown (Travis)
Dorothy Elizabeth Brown (Penn…)
John Lewis Bryan
James Smith Bryant
Bonnie Jean Buck (Scott)
James Hoskins Burr
Alice Burwell (Olson)
Gioia Louise Buttress (Shaw)
Walter Lee Campbell
Andrew Danforth Carpenter
Junius Young Cary
C Douglas Cates
Janet Kathryn Chase (Hassler)
Harriet J Cheney (Slough)
Milton Robbins Cheverton
Douglas Helmer Christensen
Annabelle Clark (Kixmiller Ruch)
Reid Cochran
Daniel Comer
Delbert 'Del' Connell
Dorothy R Conrad (Burch)
Wayland Sewell Conrad
Dorothy Dawn Cooke
Harold B Cooper
John Stanley Coots
Raymond E Cordrey
Bette Louise Cramer
Francis R Crandall
Georgialee Crider (McGown)
Virginia Hunt Daniels
Robert Miller De Golia
Harold G De Golia Jr
Barbara Pixley Dean (Lunceford)
William Luther 'Bill' Deniston
Robert Engwall "Bob" Devine
M Elizabeth 'Betty' Driskell
Edmond G Ducommun
Harlan Eugene Eastman
Alice Jane Edwards (Voss)
John C Elliott
Mary A Ellis (Sandblom)
David A Elmer
Robert Lloyd Estey
Virginia M Fanning
Stanley C Field
Robert Gordon Fisher
Chalmers Harvey Fletcher
Dorothy Lucille Flynn
Mary Elizabeth 'Betty' Ford (McGraw)
Betty Jayne Francis (Bedford)
Harold Lionel 'Hap' Fraser
Charles Lloyd Fuller
James Seldon Fulton
Martha Hanover Fulton (Meens)
John Philip Garner
Stanley Edward Garrett
Marguerita E Geier
Dayle C Gerstenkorn (Carnes)
James Lee Gessner
Elizabeth Moulin Geyer (Brunk)
Eleanor F Gilroy (Sparks)
Dorothy Goodnoe (Abrahams)
Geraldine Patricia Goodwin
George Richard Graham
Frederick 'Freddy' Grant
Cecilia Gudeman (Haupt)
Edwin Charles Haime
Pearl Laurel Hake
Constance Hall (Preston)
Elizabeth 'Betty' Hall (Brolliar)
C Thomas Hall Jr
Emily Hammon (Studebaker)
John Lewis Hart
Jessie Marian Hartzell (Cooper)
Emily Jane Harvey (Meanley)
Carol Heideman (Myles)
John Philip Henderson
John Hethcock
Luther Graham Hiltner
Margaret E Hissem (Smith)
Helena Hooper (Simonton)
Donald Hostetter
Harold Paul Hotchkiss
Robert Drew Houghton
David Stewart Howe
Jack Monroe Hoyle
Janet Anne Hughes (Kerr)
Claude K Hulbert
Margaret Amelia Hull (Tessier)
Elizabeth Iler (Matthies)
Henry Ware Isham
Isam Ishida
Herbert Dee Ivey Jr
Harold Ernest Jackson
Ralph Gregory Johns Jr
Alice Louise Johnson (Harris)
Martha Jeffers Johnston (Flynn)
Peggy H Jonas (Savard)
Ruby Venetta Jorgens (Wing)
Mabel Jorgensen (Stephenson)
Taka Kawatsu (Nomura)
Tomi Kawatsu
Edith Mae Kearns (Heselbarth)
Barbara Ketchum (Pearce)
George Peter Killeen Jr
Arthur L King
Samuel Larkin 'Sam' King
David F Kingsley
M Lucile Larkey (Mattson)
Wilbur Wendell Larson
Robert V Lashbrook
Doris Lawrence (Blymyer)
Katharine Frances Leavitt
Barbara Jane Leeds (Evans)
James Carr Leicester
Constantine A Lekas
Albert William Walter L…
Mary Claire Leslie (Holabird)
Joseph 'Joe' Lewis Jr
Mary Jean Lloyd (Stamp)
Robert Davis Lord
Susan Hiett Lyman (Eyer)
Margaret Gertrude Lynch
Virginia Frances Lyons (Johnson)
Mary Arnold Mace (Stuart)
Bolling S Mach
Littie MacKeown (Hicks)
Elizabeth Anne Madley
Grant Hartley Malcolmson Jr
Gordon A Martin
Howard Strugis Martin
Shirley Martin (Mohler)
Lucille Dorothy Martini (Green)
Mary Laura Matlick (Bowen)
Simeon Ross Mattock
John Charles McCall
Virginia McCloskey (Hartzell)
Willis B McConnell
Stanley McElderry
Jane McGee (Howell)
Virginia McGuire (Huff)
Maurice W McKenzie
John Parmelee McLaughlin
George Linn Mee Jr
Robert E Meenan
Jean Frances Mendenhall (Crowell)
Marjorie Jean Merritt
Harriet Ann Miller (Creek)
Beulah Minear (Willard)
Dorothy Jane Mitchell (Wickman)
Bernice M Moore (Keefe)
William 'Bill' Moritz
Lillian Morris (Lucan)
Mary Elizabeth Morse (Bolas)
Elza Christopher Mowry
Carola Ann Mueller (Coye)
Sarah Paisley Mulock (Duncan)
Henrietta Catherine Munro
Richard V Newton
James Lynn Nichols
Frederic August Nied
Carolyn "Carol" Norton (Hende…)
Betty Lee Olmstead (Clarno)
Robert H Olsen
Janet O'Neil (Cross)
Louise Ostrander (Dustman)
Louise Estelle Parker (Huston)
Arthur Bates Parkins
Jane Virginia Patchen (Putnam)
George Wilkes Peabody
William Coulling Perry III
Margaret B Petersen (Graham)
Dorothy Virginia Peterson
Frank Jennings Peterson
Beverly G Poland (Gardner)
Robert Eusebius Pollard
John Huddy Pool
Herbert Greenwood Porter
Joseph Gilpin Pyle
Janet Randall (Young)
Jean Elizabeth Raymond (Servaas)
Frances E Reimers (Lancaster)
Helene Richardson (Nowell)
Barbara J Roberts (Wilson)
Gaye Roberts (Edwards)
Phyllis Jean Robertson (Anderson)
Barbara Bell Robinson (Royce)
Martha E Rogers (Weichers)
Elizabeth 'Betsy' Rohrer (Boe…)
David Roland
Eugene C Rothenberger
Eloise Rush (Swenerton)
Margaret Russell (Carrington)
Francis Marvin Sahl
Gertrude Jane Sampson (Flack)
Fumiko Sato (Arita)
Helen Schmidt (Secord)
Virginia Hazel Schrey (Newton)
Mariam Janice Schwartz (Spielman)
D Jean Scott (Neel)
Lyle Nolan Scott
Yoshiko Shimamoto (Narimatsu)
Owen Alward Sloan
Clinton E "Kit" Smith
Dorothy Ellen Smith (Hudson)
Isabelle L Smith (Wallace)
Taylor Robert Smith
Harry Richard Snavely
Earl F Snowden Jr
John Dean Stallsmith
Richard Steele
Clive A Strangman
William A Strong
Warren Dyer Sype
William H Talbutt Jr
Elizabeth Jane Taylor (Sherman)
Albert Joseph Terry
Lawrence Evans Thompson
Janette Aline Thomson
Mary Kathryn Thurman (Jamison)
Martha Etna Tiller (Chapman)
Jean Bergen Tillotson (Burford)
Julia Bartel Troll (Wilhelmsen)
Helen Jane Valk (Scott)
Karl Edward Van Kuran
Flora Shirley Van Sickle (Kelley)
Hazel Hill Vial (Danielson)
Cheryl Alice Walker (Andrews)
Margaret 'Peggy' Wallis (Kilgore)
Shirley Elizabeth Ward (Truitt)
Eugene Ernest Webb
Virginia Mae Webb (Hinchman)
Geraldine Webster
Dorothy K Werder (Moran)
Lowell Wheeler Whiteman
William H Wilkins Jr
Marjorie Wilson (Wohlheter)
Barbara Winchester (Dennis)
William Bradley Witmer
Warren Whitney Woods
James Stapleton Woollacott Jr
Herbert Moore Worcester Jr
Dorothy Jane Worth (Bedell)
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