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Newest Members
Robert George Abell
Edmond R Adams
John Filmore Addoms Jr
Colleen M Ager (Cleaves)
Walter Curtis Ahlstrom
John Edwin Albers
Constance Elizabeth Alden
Jacqueline M Allen (Zurinskas)
Stanley Roger Allen
Anita May Alt (Loge)
June Beatrice Anderson (Hurd)
Marilyn Anderson (Barger)
R Howard Annin
Marianne L Arnett (Liebhardt)
Warren Jeff Arnett
Robert L Atkinson
George Edward Atkinson Jr
Kathleen Aubrey (Pierce)
John A Baker
Patricia Louise Barney (Lloyd)
Virginia Louise Beach (Hoyte)
Merilyn N Beall (Hopkins)
Nancy Beaman (Hall-Gerell)
John L Bean
Barbara Adele Beauregard (Gaume)
David Timothy Beegan
James Alan Bennett
Barbara Anne Benton
Olive Benton (Buchan)
Patricia "Pat" Bergman (Conacher)
Dorothy Bertoli (Blanche)
Thelma Arleen Black (Michael)
Eugene H "Gene" Blanche
Kathleen Louise Blatz
Ellen Louise Bollin
David N Bortin
Betty F Bostrom (Lenthall)
Deane Bottorf
Paul Denslow Bradley
Betty Leone Bragg (Deutsch)
John Frank Brelsford
Margaret 'Pat' Brett (Narver)
Marilyn Bridenbecker (Smith)
Joan Bridge (Banning)
Catherine Briggs (Courtney)
Thomas Lee "Tom" Briggs
Betty 'Bibi' Brock (Davis)
Nancy B Brooks (Bowman)
Elizabeth 'Betty Lou' Brossy
Edward Porter Bruck
Gordon 'Don' Bunting
David Bird Burnham
Robin Ames Campbell
James Robert "Jim" Cannon
Cozette 'Connie' Caroll (Sull…)
Merle Smith Carrona (Hollywood)
Richard Ray Carter
Alfred G 'Bud' Carter Jr
Reece S Cave
Hobart F Chastain Jr
Karen Christensen (Landman)
John L Church Jr
Straight Clark
William Coles Clark
Barbara Mae Coleman (Clark)
Jane G Collins (Bradley)
Gina Connor (Dunseth)
Mary L Connor (Choquette)
Robert H Conradt
Roger William Cook
Charles Edmund Coots Jr
Margaret Cornell (Oliver)
Robert Frank Cornet
Joseph Daniel Costello
Thelma Cox (Dahms)
Louis A "Louie" Cristilly
John V Croul
Armand S Crump
Donald James Cunliffe
Betty Louise Curl (Scoles)
Barbara Currie (Ellis)
Robert Anderson Curtis
Alan Albert Dale
William "Bill" Dandy
Edward Averell Daniell
Dorothy M Dautrich
Patricia Dawson (Myers)
Barbara Ann Dean (Kapell)
Anne Deitiker (Bandy)
Clinton Charles DeLancey
Consuelo DeRidder (Simms)
Dianne DeVeau (Brooks)
Elizabeth Mae DeWeese (Blair)
Joyce A Diamond (Zikas)
David Douglas Donlon
John Lyle "Jack" Donovan Jr
Thomas Charles Downs
Anthony Creighton Drummy
Donald Allen Dunn
Richard Taylor Durkee
Althea Eames (Yukic)
Malcolm A Edwards
Harvey James Eggeman
Patricia Jeanne Eggleston (Neill)
Doris Katherine Eldred
John Richard Eliason
Mary Eloise Elms (Dearden)
Carol Ensign
Richard Warren Evans
Patricia Anne Fabling (Kelley)
Lorena Fagan (Anderson)
Peter K Farley
Margaret Fiddes (Padrick)
Gail Fisk (Rebstock)
Dorothy Fleming
David Lloyd Flohr
Emilie Ford (Frisbee)
Robert R Foresman
Frank K Freriks
Daniel Payton Fuller
Robert Scott Furst
Marion Gadeschi (Nuccio)
Alexander Marshall Gardner
Roberta Garretson
Joan Garrett (Vaillancourt)
Maynard Garrison II
Shirley Louise Gastreich (Spivey)
Rupert L Gates
Harry Raymond Geyer
Barbara R Gibbs (Yeager)
Roger Hilmer Gillerstrom
M Campbell Gilliland
Ann Boone Gilman (Butte)
Dwight L Goodwin
Charles B Gouert Jr
John MacKenzie 'Jack' Graham
Nancy Grant (Corrigan)
Marilou Grantham (Caldwell)
Douglas Earle Granzow
Philip Hilliard Greene
Richard Alden Greenleaf
Robert N "Bob" Gregory Jr
Lois Eileen Griffith (Tosta)
Anna Louise Grimes (Cecil)
Clifford Walter Grua
Max Gschwind
Kenneth Harrison Guio
Harlan Fredrick Gustafson
Marilyn Guy (Ryan)
George Dewey Elliott Hall
Herbert L Hall
Martha Eileen Hall (Byrnes)
Violet Hamamura (Fukai)
Franklyn Nye Hambly
Laura Patricia Hammonds
Kirby George Hanks
Mary Hansen (Tollenaere)
Harold Edward Hanson
Edward Harbison
Herrica Harding (Hartmetz)
John Sherrod Harris
Jeannette Haverstock (Long)
John Burton "Jack" Haworth
Thomas Read Henderson
Carleton Fredric Herdering
Jean Hermsdorf (Vincent)
Donald Ross Herpolsheimer
Julia Anne Hershberger (Boyd)
Nina P Hess (Stimson)
Sigrid Louise Hilmers (Bausback)
Ted Hinckley
K Louise Hoddinott (Baer)
Jane Holly (Warner)
Betty Horita (Yano)
Mary E Hormer (Spear)
Virginia Ann Horton (Thompson)
Alma Lou Howard (Cannon)
Patricia Ann Howard
Virginia Lee Howson (Norheim)
Richard McLain "Dick" Hudso…
Nancy Huggins (Freeman)
Edith Mary Hughes (Click)
Barbara Anne Hunt (Veir)
Lillian S Iwata (Newcomb)
Gordon Frederick Jackson
Lois Claire Jackson (Somers)
Doris Jacobsen (Fisher)
Douglas B James
Richard E James
Louis K Jensen
Merton L Jesseph
Jeanne Marie Johnson (Harvey)
Mary G Johnson (Prentiss)
Paula Johnson (Dickson)
Dorothy Mae Jonas (Spurlock)
Ray Rodney Jones
Richard Welton Jones
Lorraine Helen Kacy (Kasica)
Lucile Kanebayashi (Okamuro)
Edelbert L Karlen
Stuart Alan Keen
G Berk Kellogg
Mary Lorraine Kellogg (Reed)
Barbara June Kellow (Cornell)
Dorothy Mae Kelly (Haskell)
Mary Adair Kerman (Wright)
Robert S "Bob" Kimball
Katherine Jean Kistner (Fuller)
Norman Francis Klein
Lawrence Joseph Klein Jr
Richard P Knerr
Jeanette Knight (Claycamp)
Lois Lee Knight (Lighthart)
Marcia Kober (Jacobi)
Patricia Ann Kraft (Burt)
Arthur Charles Krause Jr
James Adams Kyffin
Richard Perry Lagerstrom
Mildred Rosalie Lancaster (Raty)
Arline Elizabeth Lane (Abbott)
Edward Hamilton Langley
Waldo Lynn Laning
Bonnie Lou Lathrop (Hinkle)
Raymond O Lindskog
Dan L Lindsley Jr
Margaret Louise Linn (Chew)
Kenneth Linthicum
Gloria Livingston (Evarone)
Thomas Julian "Tom" Lockhart
Helen F Love (Anderson)
Alberta Pauline Luer (Hearn)
John Arthur Lutz Jr
Jeanne Winslow Lytle (Nichols)
Henry Kinsley Mackel
Marilyn MacKinnon (Jones)
Katherine Locke MacPherson (Blake)
Anita G Mansfield (Bassett)
Mary Markwith (Kauffman)
Gregory Marshall
Harold Frederick Martin
Nancy L Martin (Miller)
Margaret Matson
Richard Frederick Maurer
Virginia May (Rapp)
Marjorie K McAlister (Griffin)
Betty McArthur (Gammell)
Wanda Beth McClure
James H "Jim" McDonald
Lila Mae McDougall (Kommerstad)
Betty Loreen McFarland (Merrill)
Charles Gilbert McGaughey
Alexander "Sandy" McGi…
Gerald Ermel McKee
Bonnie Jane McKenzie
Edward William McKenzie
Charles B "Ben" McKesson
Margaret Denise McNevin (Cherniss)
William Hope Meehan
Constance Melgard (Fort)
Jacquelyn Melgard (Christiansen)
Edith Jean Mellen (Carr)
John Churchill Merrill
Betty Jean Miller (Mock)
Marjorie Anne Mills
Frank J Misner
Gene Charles Mix
Monica Moeller (Kruythoff)
Judith Monroe (Ketchum)
Laura 'Anne' Monroe (Jennings)
Doris Kathryn Mooney (Pointer)
E Wayne Moore
Betty J More (Matzdorff)
June Morivaki (Nakashima)
Jack Reynolds Morley
Lee Allen Morrison
Richard Gordon Morse
John Presley Mucklestone
Margery Murphey (Bohn)
Elizabeth "Betty" Murphy (Kruse)
H Patricia Murphy (Horner)
C Fred "Bud" Myers
Maya Navall (McKenzie)
Philip D Neiswender
Paul Vallette Nerger
Helen Jean Nevius (Romero)
Dorothy Ann Newman (Clements)
Eugene C Nicholson
Shigeko Nishijima (Morishita)
Gloria Ann Norcross (Dunne)
Robert C Nuccio
Bob O'Brien
Henry Odano
Katherine Ogier (Alexander)
Vincent L O'Leary
Robert Clark Oliver
Jane Osmond (Hoban)
Thomas Harrison Oury
Betty Owen (Whitehead)
Lorraine Mary Pace (Dennis)
Stephen Tyler Paine
William B Park Jr
Margaret 'Peggy' Parker (Hornick)
Robert Louis Parkhill
Robert Frank Parsons
Shirley Patterson (Whitehead)
Randolph Rogers Payne Jr
Raymond Victor Petersen
Lee H Peterson
Martha Peterson (Mowry)
Teresa K Peterson (Burrell)
Walter Pewen
Peter W. Pfeiffer
Ruth Phillips (Midyett)
Marilyn Pitchford (Maurer)
Joanne Mary Plumb (Leonhard)
Melvin Floyd Porges
Patricia Ann Powell (Watson)
Lois Pray (Kaehler)
Priscilla Prescott (Jeffries)
Isabel Price (Arnett)
Barbara Putnam (Daly)
Virginia D Quinn
William 'Bill' Reeder
Fremont Easton Reichwein
Isabel Rowene Reidle
Bill H Reimers
Walter Benjamin Reinhold
Martha Renzullo (Nelson)
William Keith Rider
Barbara Jean Ristrom (Wood)
Daryl A Robinson
June Ahwilda Rogers (Oury)
Steven L Rose
Norman Richard Rousselot
Norman Bulfinch Schieber
Donald E Schmiedeberg
Adele Brewster Schmitz (Young)
Jacquelin Schnebly (Price)
Herbert C Schober
Audrey E Schottke (Feltch)
John 'Jack' Schroeder
Mary Schultz (Reese)
Gloria E Schwabland (De Vries)
Betty Senson (Morin)
Marian Ethel Shaw
Marilyn Shaw (Richter)
Colleen Shea (Young)
Harry Walter Shlaudeman
Lewis Edward Simpson
Roland Eugene Sink
Georgia Mary Smith (Hatfield)
Jack Smith
William Smith
Robert Sohus
Jack Lowell Sorenson
Martha Spangenberg (Engle)
John W Sperling
Betty Spier (Herpolsheimer)
Richard Marshall Squire
John Albert Stallkamp
Waldo Edmund Starr
Phyllis Stay (Bennet)
Barbara Joan Steel (Furlong)
Dorothy Stefano (Knerr)
Anona Jean Stevens (Robinson)
Donald M Stevenson
Barbara Jean Stidham (Labadie)
Warren E Stilson
George Lawrence Stimson Jr
Christine Sunderland (Shutt)
John Stowers Sutphin
Edward Grant Swayze
Virginia Ellen Sweetman (Welsh)
Donald Robert Swickard
Adele Taylor (Harrison)
Cecile L Taylor (West)
Maida Leslie Teater (Sanders)
Don Tepper
Joan Thomson (Perry)
E William "Bill" Thurnher
Elizabeth Toll (Stragnell)
Robert W Travenick
Dorothy Trotter (Fite)
BernadineRae Tunison (Barlow)
Avalon Tweten
Phillip Hudson Udell
Richard S Vanderhoof
Robert Lawson Vaught
Carl W Von Buelow
Thad Vreeland Jr
John Gerald Waggoner Jr
John Stuart Watson
Sally Ann Watson
John Barton Webb
Lorraine Weber
Barbara Jean Webster (Westphal)
Beatrice Wegman (Unger)
Arline Jane Weiss (Boggess)
Stanton Parks Welsh Jr
John Mitchell West
William M West Jr
Anita Leona Whipple (Smith)
Lois Jean Whistler (Lindsley)
Donald C White
Dorothy C White (Shaver)
Gerald 'Jerry' White Jr
Ardita L Williams (Mueller)
Alan W Wing
Dorothy Frances Winn (Hayes)
Betty Wolford (Griffith)
John Hoyt "Jack" Wolvin
Marion C Wood (Foster)
Virginia 'Ginny' Wood (Egan)
Ralph M Wood Jr
Rosalie Wride (Bacher)
Bernice M Wright (Leverenz)
Kenneth King Wright Jr
Kumiko Yamanaka (Shibuya)
Masami William Yamanaka
George Yusa
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